Friday, August 21, 2015

Could imagine if Hillary would take Michelle as a running mate. Read More

Could imagine if Hillary would take Michelle as a running mate. Hillary gets elected. Hillary is impeached! and Michelle Obama becomes President. Hillary is pardoned....

Option 2:
Until Obama is out anything possible. Marcos Dictatorship after PROCLAMATION Of Martial Law. He stay in office for thirteen years in the Philippines.
Martial Law is a extraordinary measure taken by the head of state to defend or to protect the people from extreme danger due to lawless violence, anarchy, rebellion or envasion. Aspresident of the republic, Marcos had the authority to impose martial law under Article VII(section 10, paragraph 2)of 1935 Constitution. His critics pointed out, however , that when martial law was proclaimed, the country was not being inivaded or threatened wi0th invasion, anarchy, insurrection or rebellion. It is true that ther were demonstration and subversive forces,but these did not justify the extreme measure taken by President Marcos.
Furthermore, the opposi0tion averred the normal legal system were functioning in the country- the congress was in session , the supreme court and the lowest court were open,the constitutional convention was meeting and none of the provincesor under communist or rebel or rebel control.
In reply to the hundreds of cases filed by the political prisoners who had been detained, the Supreme court took two years ,in September 1974, to uphold the legality of martial law .By th etime , it was already an accomplished facts.

Could the 2016 race for the Oval Office get any crazier?
On the GOP side, there's a long list of experience politicians with long lists of accomplishments to their names seeking the presidency – senior governors, senators and statesmen – and they're all trailing Donald Trump, a shoot-from-the-hip billionaire with a knack for saying what many people across the country are feeling.
And on the Democrat side, there's surging support for a self-avowed socialist who is challenging Hillary Clinton, who thought she was the anointed candidate in 2008, only to be knocked off her pedestal by upstart Barack Obama. She considers herself anointed now, but finds her support fading quickly.
So how about the gauntlet being thrown down by ... Michelle Obama?
There already are some commenting on the idea.
WND commentator Star Parker told WND she was at a book signing in Washington this week and was asked about the possibility.
She admitted she's watching that possible development closely.
"I've even seen bumper stickers that say Michelle 2016," Parker told WND. "Until the primaries are absolutely closed, my eye is on Michelle."

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