It is happening. Barack Obama
is dangerously close to enacting an executive order that completely flouts the
law and puts a whole new background check requirement on law abiding Americans.
Last week, the Democrats again
tried to force a vote on a gun registration bill. Because world history has
shown that registration precedes confiscation 100% of the time in Western
Democracies, the Republicans voted it down. It happened in Australia, in the
United Kingdom, and confiscation is currently being debated in the European
Union. The Republicans have always said that a gun registration bill is
automatically off the table.
Now, Obama is angry. So angry,
in fact, that he is just days away from announcing the most sweeping executive
order yet.
The Los Angeles Times –
hardly a Conservative paper – is
reporting that the San Bernardino terror attack will be the launching point
for Barack Obama’s latest gun control executive order to force all gun
purchases and transfers to be recorded with the Federal government.
Not only would this be in clear
violation of the Brady
Handgun Violence Protection Act signed into law by President
Bill Clinton in 1994, which outlines our background check system, but it would
also be a clear violation of the Firearm
Owner Protection Act of 1986 which explicitly prohibits the Federal
government from keeping an active registry of American gun owners.
The executive order that the
White House is poised to announce is not only illegal, but it is completely
unconstitutional. When the Founding Fathers warned of tyranny, this is what
they were talking about. When they said that the price of liberty is eternal
vigilance, this is what they warned you to watch out for!
So what are we going to do
about it? We are going to raise hell. We are going to put more resources into
stopping this horrible executive order than we ever have.
Our fax system is unlike
anything out there in the country. It allows you to instantly contact your
Congressman and Senators in a tangible way. Emails get deleted. Phone calls get
ignored. But every fax, by law, has to be printed out in Congressional offices.
It’s impossible to ignore us when the faxes are piled up to the ceiling!
But we need your help!
The hour is upon us. Right now,
the Obama administration is crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s on an executive
order to start the process towards nation-wide gun confiscation!
This is happening now. We don’t
get to choose our battles. As the Constitution’s last line of defense, we have
a civic obligation to fight any and every manifestation of government tyranny.