Saturday, October 17, 2015
The Event, Obama ordered 3 nuclear weapons to be transferred from their storage facilities
The Event:
President Obama ordered 3 nuclear weapons to be transferred from their storage facilities and to be relocated to three other bases. He also ordered the move of a number of missile bodies to those same locations and additionally the "collars" that would attach a particular type of warhead to these same missile bodies. Fact - the missiles were short range (800 mile max) missiles and the collars were those that attach a specific style of EMP (Electromagnetic pulse), producing warhead. The patriots put together what the missiles would be used for and against whom. They clearly saw the preparations as aimed at the American homeland and its people. The devastation that would be wreaked would result in the deaths of 90% of the American population in the aftermath over the next two years. A courageous Admiral and two Generals interfered with the plans and 1 nuke was detonated 560 miles southeast of Charleston in the deep ocean. The other two nukes are still in the hands of patriots. The Admiral and Generals sacrificed their careers and future lives of ease for the nation. That is the stuff of "Medal of Honor" winners. Of note is the fact that only myself and Vladimir Putin questioned publicly the detonation of the nuke in violation of treaty.
I want to underscore that fact that these two nukes are in patriot hands and will never be sold or given to our enemies. They remain a neutralizing force against Obama and any thoughts of his to devastate America. Heroes parried his intended massacre and remain vigilant in their position of strength. Since that time and those days Obama has been weaker and less "haughty and in control". Many have commented on the change in his demeanour. Now you know why that is. When the bully gets his nose bloodied in the school yard, he isn't as cocky anymore. Semper Fi.
EMP Electromagnetic pulse,
False Flags,