Sunday, February 28, 2016

President Obama Signs Executive Order Limiting US Gun Owners to Three Guns

WASHINGTON — In a move that promises to permanently transform the political landscape in the United States, President Obama has signed Executive Order 13752, an order which will radically change the way the United States regulates all weapons. President Obama claims that his authority to draft this order comes from the second amendment: “If you look at the second amendment, you’ll see that it says that ‘a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state.’ Well, when I see kids getting shot at school and people gunning down their coworkers, I don’t see a well-regulated militia. I don’t see a state that is secure in its freedom. I see a nation in crisis. I see a country in desperate need of reform. If you want to exercise your right to bear arms, that’s fine, but if you want to do that, you should be ready and able to defend your country at a moment’s notice.”

Under the new law, nearly every gun in the U.S. will be required to be registered. There are exceptions for single and double barrel shotguns, single shot and double barrel hunting rifles, black powder guns, and any gun made before 1932. No U.S. citizen will be allowed to have more than three guns registered to them at any time. Possession of an unregistered firearm, expect those exempted from registration, will be a felony that carries a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years in federal prison. States that refuse to enforce the new laws will lose federal highway and Medicaid funding.

In addition to requiring firearm registration, all citizens who wish to own or possess a weapon will be required to obtain a gun operator’s license. Two licenses will be available. A class one license will grant its owner the legal right to purchase and possess firearms which do not require registration; they will also be allowed use a friend’s registered weapon or rent a registered weapon from a licensed shooting range, provided that they handle the weapon under the supervision of a class two license holder. In order to obtain a class one license, the individual must undergo a criminal background and mental health screening and complete a three day, government approved gun safety course. In order to obtain a class two license, the individual must commit to at least one weekend per month of military training and must be prepared to mobilize in case of a national emergency. The class two license will allow them to register up to three weapons for personal use. When not in use, the weapons and ammunition must be locked in separate, government approved cabinets. All ammunition sales, even those for unregistered weapons, will be registered in a national database, and strict limits will be placed on how much ammunition can be purchased. The limits vary depending on the type of ammunition.
NRA spokesman Lawrence Ketchum enjoying a day of target shooting (Cassandra Schmidt / AP)
NRA spokesman Lawrence Ketchum enjoying a day of target shooting (Cassandra Schmidt / AP)

Once the new law is implemented, citizens will have one year to register/surrender their weapons. The government will purchase all surrendered weapons at current retail value. All of the surrendered weapons will be housed in strategically placed bunkers across the U.S. for use by the newly created citizen militia in training exercises and in case of a national emergency.
Also of note in the order is a provision that orders the federal government to assemble a panel which will analyze the effectiveness of current knife regulations, though it does nothing to alter current knife laws.

Executive Order 13752 is not without controversy. National Rifle Association Spokesman Lawrence Ketchum said the organization plans to appeal the order, which he refers to as “Obama gun”, on constitutional grounds and that they were prepared to take the fight to the Supreme Court . He also added that if federal agents attempted to confiscate his weapons he would give them to the agents “bullets first.”

It does not appear that the legal fight over the new executive order will be resolved any time soon. In the meantime, however, it is recommended that all U.S. gun owners begin to prepare themselves for the coming changes. If you are wondering how to register or surrender your weapons, or just want to learn more about the president’s new executive order, you can contact the ATF’s Firearms Registration Division at (202) 642-5720.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Chris Christie Delivers Major Blow to Party Elites Resisting Trump

The united Republican establishment front against Donald Trump started to crumble in a potentially profound way on Friday when New Jersey Governor Chris Christie backed the New York billionaire for president with an enthusiastic endorsement.
The move, combined with the endorsement of Maine Governor Paul LePage later Friday, adds the establishment bona fides of two sitting U.S. governors to a devoutly outsider campaign. It also comes just days after Trump’s first two congressional endorsements in Representatives Chris Collins of New York and Duncan Hunter of California.
In Christie, Trump also gained a powerful surrogate responsible for the lowest moment in the campaign of one of his last Republican adversaries: Marco Rubio.
The New Jersey governor also opened a door for other Republican Party elites, who spent recent days rushing to boost Rubio, and invited them to walk through. If beating Hillary Clinton outweighed all other factors, as the New Jersey governor argued, then other objections to Trump's campaign—such as his bombastic and nativist rhetoric—should take a back seat. As a twice-elected governor of a blue state and former chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Christie could serve as Trump’s ambassador to establishment donors, lawmakers and behind-the-scenes operators across the nation.
'Rewriting the playbook'
Wasting no time in showing what he brings to the campaign, Christie seized his new role as Trump standard bearer with zeal, undermining Rubio's core pitch for his nomination—his electability—and belittling him as a performer delivering "one act after the other."
"The single most important thing for the Republican Party is to nominate the person who gives us the best chance to defeat Hillary Clinton," Christie said at a Fort Worth news conference with Trump. "I can guarantee you that the one person Hillary and Bill Clinton do not want to see on that stage come next September is Donald Trump. They know how to run the standard political playbook against junior senators and run them around the block. They do not know the playbook with Donald Trump, because he is rewriting the playbook."
The Christie endorsement comes four days before a burst of nomination contests take place on March 1, known as "Super Tuesday." After winning three of the first four states by large margins, a string of victories next Tuesday could make Trump all but unstoppable, which is why rivals Rubio and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas aggressively attacked him in a televised debate Thursday night.
Within hours of Christie's endorsement, Trump landed the backing of LePage, who praised the real estate mogul's business acumen on the Howie Carr Show, a syndicated radio program.
The final frontier of resistance
Trump has shown broad appeal within the party, as he himself explained on Friday. "I won in a landslide," he said, referring to the South Carolina primary. "I won evangelicals. I won military. I won the vets. I won everything. I won men. I won women. I won Hispanics. I won every single category."
But the one group of Republicans who have continued to overwhelmingly oppose him are lawmakers and influential consultants. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who helped lead the charge in 1994 elections that handed the party its first House majority in four decades, said it's time to re-think that.
"This Chris Christie endorsement of Trump is real signal to GOP establishment that they had better begin thinking about Trump as the future," Gingrich said on Twitter, adding in another posting, "this is a huge step for Trump" that will have a big impact on Super Tuesday.
The establishment pushes back
Meanwhile, two former aides to Jeb Bush, an ex-rival who waged bitter fights with Trump and Christie during the primary, fiercely criticized the governor. "Like Trump, Chris Christie is a pathetic, corrupt man with a tiny ego. I'm sure they bonded discussing their insecurities over a big meal," Tim Miller, Bush's former communications director, wrote on Twitter.
David Kochel, the former Jeb Bush strategist, seemed to evoke Christie's weight.

Chris Christie Delivers Major Blow to Party Elites Resisting Trump - Bloomberg Politics

Huckabee's lesson learned from revealed tax returns, Don't do it Trump

Don't do it Trump
Former 2016 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee shares how revealing his tax returns as a young candidate backfired.

Marine Sgt. talks Benghazi Four At Bill Clinton rally for Hillary 2016

Must See - A man claiming to be a military veteran began talking about the Veterans Administration and the former president appeared to grow impatient with the man. Hillary covered up Benghazi!

Friday, February 26, 2016

MUST WATCH: Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump for president on Friday in a surprise announcement, telling voters that no one is better prepared to lead the country.
The stunning news represents the biggest endorsement by far for Trump, the GOP front-runner who has shaken the party establishment to its core with his rise.

Entire Video

Trump's: First 100 days

Standing before Chief Justice John Roberts, he raises his right hand and places his left on the Bible.
“I, Donald Trump, do solemnly swear…”
After he takes the oath of office, he kisses his wife, Melania. His children hug him excitedly. Former President Barack Obama, a bewildered look on his face, shakes his hand. A few rows back Howard Stern gives the new president a thumbs up. Behind him Dennis Rodman mutters something incomprehensible. And then Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, turns to the lectern to offer an inaugural address that for the first time in history is being delivered without any text or, as much as anyone can tell, without any preparation whatsoever.
This is usually the point when Mitch McConnell wakes up screaming, his face drenched in cold sweat.
It can’t really happen, right? He can’t really win the presidency? Well, if you think that by now, then you’re still dreaming.
For the past eight months, since the pugnacious billionaire first toyed with a run for the White House, Washington has been consistent in their efforts to underestimate him. His level of support. His media savvy. His ability to dominate any conversation. Now, as he’s poised for a substantial win on Super Tuesday, the impossible has become improbable and now all but inevitable. Trump is likely to win the Republican nomination and, as he challenges Hillary Clinton, he may be only an FBI investigation away from winning the White House.
So the question few in Washington ever thought they’d contemplate is suddenly urgent: What would he do then? What would his first 100 days look like?
Here then are some educated guesses to some of the punditry’s most pressing questions:

Q: Will Donald Trump really deliver his inaugural address without notes or teleprompter?

Best-case scenario: No. The new president delivers a professional address that reaches out to those who didn’t vote for him and pledges to be a president for all the  (Yes, it could happen and we believe it will.)

Contributors, Read More

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sick of seeing Headlines like these? Rubio's and Cruz, Last Stand to Stop Trump!

Get over it, GOP, this is Trump's tipping point. He's going to be your candidate.

Donald Trump is unstoppable. At least as far as the race to win the GOP nomination goes.
It’s time for the Republican Party to drag their horrified, appalled, in-denial Ostrich heads out of the sands stretching across America from Malibu to the Hamptons and admit what everyone else can see is the bleeding obvious.

The billionaire tycoon’s huge win in Nevada, his third on the bounce, is by far the most significant and for three reasons which fully justify Trump’s claim to be ‘winning, winning, winning’:

This wasn’t just one small step on the path to the nomination; this was one giant leap for the Trump electoral machine.
People no longer see him as a novelty candidate. It’s become OK to admit you’re backing him.
Put it this way: Nevada is the epicentre of gambling in the world, and if I were a betting man I would now be heading down to Vegas to slam every dollar I have on him wrapping up this race pretty damn quickly.
The problem for the GOP is that – unlike the voters - most of the people at the head of the party view Trump as nominee with the kind of horror with which I would react to hearing that Madonna was baby-sitting my children.
I think this sentiment is misguided, because I believe Trump now represents by far their best chance of winning a general election.

Donald Trump is Winning while the Media and the GOP is still stuck on lo...

The Corrupt Media and the GOP is still scheming Donald Trump is the clear front runner. But the media and the GOP is so use to loosing, they don't even know when they are winning.

Ted Cruz Disappointing-Some cheap trash talk

Romney Loser. Rubio can't handle Trump, so they called out this loser

Romney: He is trying to do the same thing Harry Reid did to him with Trump. Rubio can't handle Trump. So he's got this loser and the deceptive GOP trying.
"Scum Bags"

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes

Donald Trump rejects Mitt Romney's ironic tax attack

All along they have had a way to encourage the DOJ to do the right thing. Are we fools or what?

Republican eyes DOJ budget to block Obama gun orders: Well this is the biggest secret in town. Republicans can defund the Justice department. So they have had all along a way to encourage the DOJ to do the right thing. Are we fools or what?

A powerful House Republican is threatening to block President Obama’s executive order on guns by defunding the Department of Justice (DOJ).
In a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas), chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees the Justice Department, warned against enforcing the new gun restrictions.
"The next twelve months will be an especially dangerous time for Americans who treasure our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,” Culberson said.
"I have formally notified Attorney General Lynch that I will aggressively protect our Second Amendment rights using Congress' power of the purse,” he added. "I notified the attorney general that if the Department of Justice attempted to create new restrictions on our Constitutional rights that I would use every tool at my disposal to immediately restrict their access to federal funding.”
Culberson appears to be the first Republican to call to block DOJ funding over the executive action on guns.
In future budget agreements, House appropriators could specifically prohibit the Justice Department from enforcing the gun restrictions without defunding the entire agency. 
Culberson warned Lynch not to “create new law” in his letter.
“The House Appropriations Committee will not provide resources to your department for the development or implementation of unlawful limitations on the unambiguous Second Amendment rights of Americans,” Culberson wrote.
Culberson’s letter follows harsh words that Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) had for the Obama administration earlier Monday.
He accused Obama of “subverting” Congress by taking executive action on gun control.
“We all are pained by the recent atrocities in our country, but no change the president is reportedly considering would have prevented them,” Ryan said.


4 Ways to Stop Caring What People Think About You - Anthony Gucciardi

Anthony Gucciardi breaks down 4 ways to get over caring what people think of you in a society ruled by addiction to approval.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

John Kasich Governor of Ohio, get out of our way!

John Kasich Governor of Ohio, get out of our way!
Time is of the essence in the coming November race for President of the United States :

With Donald Trump 3rd win and a short time until November it's time to support Trump. If Hillary would win the Presidency the only ones to blame will be the GOP for not rallying around Donald Trump early enough. John Kasich will also share the blame for trying to milk Ohio for what they don't want which is Kasich!

45.9 % of the vote went to Trump in Nevada with 46% Hispanic win. America wants an outsider it is time the GOP, Rinos and the pundit media gets it! It is now time to get out of Trumps way and let him focus on the Democratic front runner.

Time is of the essence in the coming November race for President of the United States :

With Donald Trump 3rd win and a short time until November it's time to support Trump. If Hillary would win the Presidency the only ones to blame will be the GOP for not rallying around Donald Trump early enough. John Kasich will also share the blame for trying to milk Ohio for what they don't want which is Kasich!
45.9 % of the vote went to Trump in Nevada with 46% Hispanic win. America wants an outsider it is time the GOP, Rinos and the pundit media gets it! It is now time to get out of Trumps way and let him focus on the Democratic front runner.

Many pundit media types have lost credibility that might never recover.

Donald Trump trounced his rivals in the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday, notching his third consecutive victory and giving the Manhattan mogul even more momentum heading into Super Tuesday next week, when voters in a dozen states will cast their ballots.
Trump’s decisive win, which the Associated Press announced immediately after polls closed, was propelled by an electorate even more enraged than the ones that had swept him to wins in New Hampshire and South Carolina, and a second-place showing in Iowa.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

We need a trusted alternative to the main stream media

Just about everyone I talk to believes we need a trusted alternative to the main stream media. They all are corrupt and push an agenda. Yes the days when we thought we could trust Walter Cronkite
(for those who remember) is long past. I read news feeds from all over the world and believe our American news feeds are among the most corrupt. Don't get me wrong there exist many honest news outlets but they are not on your cable TV. Yes it is time to not only take our country back, expose the Rinos and Corruption, but ditch the pundit media, their advertisers and big Corporations. We need turn to sources that tell us the truth. We must begin to support and sincerely appreciate and give legs to the truth tellers out there.

Given, it takes some determination and conscientiousness to sort through the mirage of outlets to pin point the trusted ones. However it can be done.

Don't be afraid to turn that brain washing machine (cable TV) off or change the channel the instant you hear something that your gut says (WARNING PROPAGANDA). This is a form of voting because everything you do on that squawk box is tracked for advertisers.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hidden in plain sight. World Trade Center

8:46:40: Flight 11 crashes at roughly 490 mph (790 km/h) into the north side of the north tower of the World Trade Center, between floors 94 and 98. The aircraft enters the tower mostly intact. It plows to the building core, severing all three gypsum-encased stairwells, dragging combustibles with it. A massive shock wave travels down to the ground and up again. The combustibles and the remnants of the aircraft are ignited by the burning fuel. Since the building lacks a traditional full cage frame and depends almost entirely on the strength of a narrow structural core running up the center, the fire at the center of the impact zone is in a position to compromise the integrity of all internal columns. Two home video cameras are known to have recorded the impact. People below the severed stairwells in the north tower start to evacuate; no-one above the impact zone is able to do so.

See More:

Winning Speech SC: Donald Trump

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Harvard Prof says Ted Cruz not eligible

New Harvard Prof says Ted Cruz not eligible: Harvard Law professor Einer Elhauge explains to Lawrence why the claim that Ted Cruz meets the Constitutional requirements to run for President of the United States is "surprisingly weak," as a new poll shows 36% of GOP voters question Cruz's eligibility.

Was Ted Cruz's mother a registered Canadian voter? Is Ted Cruz eligible to be president?

My initial understanding about this is that Cruz's mother was at some point a registered Canadian voter. If so, she had to of denounce her American citizenship. The question will ultimately come down to was it the same year Cruz was born.

Lawsuits challenging the Texas Republican's eligibility for the ballot have been filed in recent weeks by residents in states including Illinois, New York and Alabama who argue he can't be president because he's not a natural-born citizen. Fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump also has threatened to sue over the issue. Is Ted Cruz eligible to be president? Fight over his ballot eligibility moves to courtrooms.

Cybersecurity: Your Voting decisions might not be so secret anymore.

Your Voting decisions might not be so secret anymore. A database of information on 191 million voters including names, addresses, and party affiliations was exposed on the internet due to a data leak. Cybersecurity Reporter Dustin Volz explains the threat to your voter privacy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Obama, Kerry and Congress Guilty of Material Support to Terrorism

 The Red Pill.Global Newsletter

Obama, Kerry and Congress Guilty of Material Support to Terrorism:
 Kerry told to justify $1.7B Iran payment
A $1.7B SETTLEMENT PAID TO IRAN -- described by some Republicans as a 'ransom' tied to last month's release of five American prisoners -- should be fully explained by Secretary of State John Kerry, says the chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee.

Monday, February 1, 2016