Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4/14/16: Update: Lawyer for DC Madam Montgomery Blair Sibley Files "Emergency Motion"

Today, Justice Thomas -- apparently disagreeing with Chief Justice 

Roberts' denial of my Application -- has referred myApplication for 

determination by the entire Supreme Court at their Conference on 

4/11/12: More waiting for Lady Justice to grind out her answer.  But at least all of the Justices will be on record as to whether they will continue the muzzling of my First Amendment Political Speech so that We the People can govern ourselves accordingly.

Judge Garland has tied up my Emergency Petition in the Circuit Court of Appeals for over thirty (30) days without addressing the merits. Chief Justice Roberts has denied my Application.

But then a funny thing happened.

Back in February I had filed a lawsuit against Former Judge Roberts and the Clerk of the District Court in D.C. Superior Court -- the "state" court for the District of Columbia. Last week, the U.S. Attorney in her infinite wisdom removed that case to U.S. District Court which left me one last federal judicial opening.

So today I jumped through that opening and filed with U.S. District Court Judge Walton both my First Amended Complaint and "Emergency Motion for Pre-trial Conference to Schedule Expedited Disposition of Sibley’s Third Claim".

Exhibit "B" to that Emergency Motion lists the names of some 174 companies and government agencies whose cellphone numbers appear in the Verizon Wireless subpoena return that I have in my possession. Before you rush to Exhibit "B", I would hope you would take a moment to read the seven (7) page Emergency Motion in its entirety so you can put my actions in releasing this information in the context I intend them.

And no, I am not releasing any individual names . . . yet.

Lawyer for DC Madam Montgomery Blair Sibley interviews on Infowars