Cruz NWO Cult Exposed – “Religion” of 7 Mountain Strategy – Jim Jones For President?
Pastor G. Craig Lewis of EX-Ministries, which describes itself as an organization designed to expose false doctrines and other deceptive attacks against biblical Christianity, takes on the Cruz cult. It’s the same one that Rafael Cruz, Ted’s Pastor Dad preachers and is a celebrity in, The Seven Mountain Strategy.
Pastor Lewis lays out an excellent encapsulation of just who these people are, highlighting their belief that “the only way they can impact society for GOD is by penetrating the 7 cultural spheres (or mountains) of society.”
The 7 Mountains are Arts & Entertainment, Business, Education, Family, Government, Media and Religion.
He cites the earliest known appearance of the cult occurred in 1975 with an American preacher named Bill Bright, who created Campus Crusade. That organization is billed as an interdenominational advocacy for worldwide evangelism.
Lewis details that, as the legend goes, “Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham (another prominent Christian) were sitting down having lunch together when God simultaneously gave them both a message to give to one another — and that message essentially said that in order to impact any nation for Jesus Christ — they must impact the seven spheres (or mountains) of any society. It was this that lead to the creation of the “7 Mountain Strategy” ideology that we commonly see spreading in the Christian arena today.”
Lewis describes The 7 Mountains Strategy as the New World Order repackaged for Christian for Christian consumption, describing the ideology as both unbiblical and very deceptive.
This ideology teaches Christians that in order to influence any civilization for Christ, they must first infiltrate the different sectors of humanity and “take them over”.
Lewis notes that “Clearly the early apostles did not know about this doctrine considering the fact that they spent the majority of their time – Being Poor, Being Beaten, Being thrown in Jail, and Being Stoned.” He asks, “Does this sound like the apostles were “Dominating” any sectors of society?”
He goes on to point out the many ways that this heresy is not Christianity and in doing so, the reasons why Cruz supporters should be very concerned that they have a demon in their midst that they are holding up as a holy man.
Lewis makes the point of the Apostles not themselves meeting muster for the 7 Mountains Cult, saying, “In fact, it sounds like they were doing the complete opposite.