Sunday, September 20, 2015
So Megan Kelly thinks the President is a Christian?
So Megan Kelly thinks the President is a Christian? She says forcefully "Obama is NOT a Muslim. So my question is this. Is the President lying Megan when he repeatedly tells us he is a practitioner of the Islamic Faith? should we not take him at his word when he says "If the political winds shall change in an ugly way I will stand with MY MUSLIM brothers and sisters? Should we disregard his recent comments at the prayer breakfast in which he said, "there are those who want to hijack OUR MUSLIM faith."? Am I to believe that a Christian would utter the words, "the most beautiful sounds I remember from my youth were the sounds of the call to prayer"? Are we to ignore Michelle Obama at the Washington press club who admitted Obama was born in Kenya when she quipped, "When we went back to Barack's HOME country of Kenya." Did the president not just take a trip to Kenya in which he was greeted to large signs and banners reading, "Welcome HOME Barack Obama OUR NATIVE son?
If Megan Kelly wants to have this discussion with me I will professionally and intellectually eviscerate her on her OWN program in which the video will go viral and I will be that much closer to replacing her or Sean on Fox News and bringing real Conservatism back to the Network. And day, any topic, no notes, no prep, no teleprompters. That goes for ANYONE at any of the major Networks. Contact special guests who I am represented by and my booking agent will GLEEFULLY clear my schedule...