Friday, September 25, 2015

This is an Affidavit for the Confirmation of the Laws set down by Congress




This is an Affidavit for the Confirmation of the laws set down by Congress for which have been against the People, including myself, and in Favor of the Government and all their Officials and Investors, then actions are to be taken.

According to the passage of ‘Organic Act of 1871’ the USA Federal Government became a Corporation in which it should have been just like all the others we have today, thus the President is the CEO and can act like a Dictator, which is in direct violation of the US Constitution.
According to the passage of ‘Bank Conservation Act’ of 1933 THE UNITED STATES, INC. was declared as being a Bankrupt Corporation in which it had to find other means to survive as the Government.
According to the passage of ‘House Joint Resolution 192 of JUNE 5, 1933’ THE UNITED STATES, INC. did have most of the people in the 48 States to become US citizens and become the Collateral for the Corporation, thus all Debts were to be Cleared as We The People become their Creditors even when you were not born then, so still Legal today.
According to any Government Official that claims that the People never became the Collateral for THE UNITED STATES, INC. then those Officials are to provide other evidence as to how the Corporation came out of Bankuptcy in 1933 without using the Credit of the People.
According to the banks today requesting our signature for any loan and then the customer is to make a monthly payment with interest then the banks have committed Fraud as they complied with the HJR 192 yet they made money out of thin air for us to pay back for which ALL Debts were to be Paid Off then and there when we requested them Cleared at the Signing.
According to the Sheriff or any Law Enforcement Official that does not take actions to correct this for the Debts to be Cleared, yet the banks can continue as usual not clearing our Debts, then the Law Enforcement Official has committed a Felony for which is Theft and Accessory to all other crimes as not complying with the Congressional Laws set down.
According to the passage of ‘Trading with the enemy Act’ of 1917, then the requirement of us people having to have a License of any type, would Mandate that the people are an Enemy of the Government at any level and not a Freeman.
According to the UCC LIEN of July 15, 2011 on THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM as the Debtor, the -E PLURIBUS UNUM- THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as an additional Debtor, THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789 as the Secured Party’s Name, and the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF -DEFENSE- FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES as an additional Debtor, comes to the point that all of my Debts are to be paid since I was born or all the Government Officials I deal with have become an Accessory to all crimes the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. has committed.
According to the actions taken for the Sheriff or any Law Enforcement Official to make a person go to prison, then they have committed an Accessory of a crime on that person to the American BAR Association to collect on the Trust fund set down by the HJR 192, and it is known that the Judges are well aware of this.
Make any of your own modifications or deletions, but this should be enough on your own sworn word, hopefully with a Notary and a witness or two signing.