Sunday, December 13, 2015

Who is Running both wings of the White House

What exactly does Valerie Jarrett—the Chicagoan often described as a big sister or mother figure to the Obamas—do in the White House? The instant histories of the Obama White House tend to portray her as the Obamas’ pit bull, a woman loyal only to the president, first lady and her own image. In a recent book on the 2012 campaign, Jonathan Alter writes that Rahm Emanuel, on agreeing to become Obama’s chief of staff, recognized that Jarrett would wield such outsized power that he tried unsuccessfully to finesse her into Obama’s senate seat. (Alter also speculates that Valerie Jarrett was one reason why Rahm hightailed it out of DC in late 2010 into the relative ease of the Fifth Floor.)

 Others in media and Washington circles portray Jarrett, who held top positions in Chicago government and business, as a brilliant strategist and thinker who practically runs both wings of the White House and who did as much or more than anyone to put the Obamas there. In 1991, Jarrett, then Mayor Rich Daley’s deputy chief of staff, offered Michelle Robinson a job in City Hall. Before Michelle accepted, she insisted that Jarrett meet with Michelle’s fiancĂ© Barack Obama. Jarrett promptly took both under her wing and, over the years, introduced Barack to the inner Daley circle, to wealthy business people, and to the people who mattered in her enclave, Hyde Park—all of which helped Obama as he moved up from community organizer to Springfield to Washington.
So which is it? Here are six pieces of conventional wisdom about Valerie Jarrett, 57, followed by, in my opinion, the reality.
1. Valerie Jarrett’s power in Obama’s White House stems from her position as senior adviser to the president.
Yes, she holds a conventional power position in the administration, carrying a portfolio that covers such issues as as how the administration can boost business in a down economy, implement programs to improve the lives of women and girls, develop better communication with state and local governments and other constituency groups.
The reality is that her power stems from friendship with the first couple, forged by after-hour access, total trust that her only motive is to protect the first couple’s images and advance their interests. Valerie Jarrett is not powerful because she creates and implements policy, but because she’s the last person the president and/or first lady talk to, sometimes over dinner in their private dining room. It was reportedly the Obamas who persuaded Jarrett not to pursue appointment to the President-Elect’s vacated U.S. senate seat, but instead to keep close to them in the White House.
She vacations with the first couple in Hawaii and on the Vineyard, and she can sometimes sound like their flac: Michelle is “fabulous at 50.” Barack is “just too talented to do what ordinary people do” (as quoted in David Remnick’s The Bridge). She decides who’s invited to small White House parties and state dinners.
Jarrett can save the jobs of people she likes, such as Attorney General Eric Holder, who faced calls for his ouster when he announced his decision to bring Kahlid Sheikh Mohammad to trial in New York. In advocating for Holder, she protected not just a personal favorite but one close to the Obamas as well—after she’d earlier announced that the couple wasn’t making new friends in DC. He kept his job, and is one of only two cabinet secretaries who will likely serve two full terms. Jarrett acquired the nickname “Eric’s appeals court.”
2. Jarrett has a record of success working for the President in the White House.
There’s always the historical analysis to come, but so far she is considered to have a spotty record, especially on the key portfolio item—serving as the administration’s liaison to business. Jarrett came to the White House with some impressive Chicago business credentials: CEO of The Habitat Company, a Chicago developer of housing ranging from luxury to public; chairman of the CTA; chairman of the board of the Chicago Stock Exchange; a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Yet, as the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank has written, “current and former White House officials … raised questions about Jarrett’s effectiveness and judgment.”
Politico’s Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei write that Obama’s “… relations with business leaders could hardly be worse.”
Politico’s Jeanne Cummings and Ben White have characterized the Obama White House’s “…relationship with the corporate world” as having “a sort of Mars-Venus quality to it. Business leaders say Obama simply doesn’t get them and has no one in the White House with corporate experience or who is steeped in the daily challenges of operating in a global economy.”
Jason Horowitz, then writing about Jarrett for the Washington Post, described “disgruntled Obama donors in the financial industry… [who] have cast Jarrett as insufficiently sophisticated on economic issues and incapable of brooking any dissent about Obama. `I have always thought she was a liability,’ said one prominent investor and donor…. `I’ve talked to people in the White House about it, and they have agreed with me, but they are scared to say anything.’”
It was, well, conventional wisdom, that Bill Daley was brought in as Rahm’s successor as chief of staff to clean up the administration’s messy relationships with business; perhaps understandably, Jarrett did not warm to Daley—and, according to Politico’s Glenn Thrush, “frequently shared her unflattering assessments with Obama.” Daley’s tenure as COS was short.
3. In Chicago, before the Obama presidency, Jarrett was widely admired for her skills in government and business.
In his latest book, Jonathan Alter writes that the oft-told story of Obama insisting on interviewing Jarrett before allowing his girlfriend to take a job in Daley’s administration did not “amuse” Rich Daley. According to Alter, Daley was no fan of Jarrett, finding her “indecisive as city planning commissioner” and refusing to promote her to chief of staff. Alter also writes that a CEO who visited the White House remarked, “When we go to the White House we talk to people we wouldn’t hire.”
In their book on the 2012 campaign, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann write that Wall Streeters “disparaged Obama’s team for lacking anyone with a meaningful background in the private sector. When Jarrett would huff, ‘Well I have one,’ they rolled their eyes; they considered her a political hack, ineffectual and entitled.”
4. Jarrett is a mother figure to other White House staffers, especially women.
She’s certainly that to Barack and Michelle: “I can count on someone like Valerie to take my hand and say, You need to think about these three things,” Michelle told the New York Times’ Jodie Kantor. “Like a mom, a big sister, I trust her implicitly.”
And she’s certainly that in her own mind: “And I try very hard to make sure that I am available to people here, particularly, I think, women often come to me. I am older than most of the people here, so I try to be a resource.”
Jonathan Alter’s reporting revealed someone quite different: “Staffers feared her, but didn’t like or trust her. At meetings she said little or nothing, instead lingering afterwards to express her views directly to the President, creating anxiety for her underlings and insulting them by saying, `I don’t talk just to hear myself talking.’”
Derogatory nicknames abound for Jarrett: “Keeper of the Essence,” “Night Stalker” (because of her access after hours to the Obamas in their private quarters), “personal custodian of the president’s lofty motives and gifts.” The latter comes from This Town author Mark Leibovich, who quotes from an apparently leaked memo titled “Magic of Valerie,” its 33 talking points circulated to White House staffers ahead of a New York Times Jarrett profile.
The memo cites as her “magic” qualities, “her intellect and her heart. She is an incredibly kind, caring and thoughtful person with a unique ability to pinpoint the voiceless and shine a light on them and the issues they and the President care about…. Valerie has an enormous capacity for both empathy and sympathy. She balances the need to be patient and judicious with the desire to get things done and work as hard as possible for the American people from the White House… Valerie is tapped in to people’s experiences, their good times and bad. …. Single mother, woman working to the top in a competitive male dominated world, African-American, working for change from the grassroots to big business…. Valerie is someone here who other people inside the building know they can trust. (need examples.)”
5. Jarrett’s dual role as the first couple’s best friend and their adviser is not particularly unusual in White House history.
The only White House adviser who comes close, personally and professionally, to matching Jarrett’s influence with both the President and First Lady is the FDR administration’s Louis Howe. Unlike Jarrett, Howe lived in the White House, but by then his power as an adviser had waned. He remained extremely close to both Franklin and Eleanor until his death in 1936 before Roosevelt finished his first term. According to University of Chicago political science professor Charles Lipson, “[Jarrett’s] position in the White House is unprecedented. No one has ever been a best friend and top adviser.”
6. On 1/20/17 Jarrett will hold the senior-adviser longevity record; she’ll turn off the lights in the White House and move on to another chapter in her life.
Jarrett will continue to harness her future to the Obamas’. Just as she helped with their transition to the White House, she’ll help with their transition out of it. She’ll be a key player in every aspect of the Obama Library and Museum, from pushing for it to be located at the University of Chicago, where she has deep ties, to helping to choose an architect, to raising money, to articulating and polishing the details of Barack Obama’s legacy.
As Jodie Kantor told me, “I don’t think Valerie’s ever leaving [the Obamas]. ….She has thrown her entire life into their cause, and she’s made it very clear that she would happily run in front of a speeding truck for them…. She has taken the president’s and First Lady’s success as the defining mission of her being.”

Thursday, December 10, 2015

“It’s not him,” a third San Bernardino shooting witness proclaimed about Sayd Farook and his wife.

“It’s not him,” a third San Bernardino shooting witness proclaimed about Sayd Farook and his wife.
The so-called “terror couple” have been accused of masterminding an ISIS terror attack on a Christmas office party where Sayd worked.
Earlier this month, the attorneys for the Farook family maintained that they do not believe the suspects are the ones who carried out the attacks in question.
Several eyewitnesses and family of witnesses and victims initially said that three athletic Caucasian men had been responsible for carrying out the attacks. Police immediately banned them from speaking with the media.
Just days ago, another eye-witness in the office came forward and said that in spite of what the law enforcement and mainstream media narrative is saying, the people who carried out the attack where very athletic, large, Caucasian men, who were three – not two – in number. Farook’s wife, it should be remembered weighed approximately 90lbs.

Now, a third prominent eye-witness, Chirs Nwadike, has stepped up to challenge the mainstream narrative. He recently told reporters he received a phone call from an unknown person around 7 p.m., on the evening of the shooting, who told him that he must say that Sayd Farook was the shooter.
You read that right, he says that he was called and told to change his story and say that Farook carried out the attacks with his wife, even though that is very different than what he witnessed.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Will We Be Destroyed Morally Spiritually and Economically?

Its not a duck that dove always quacks like that! Is Obama a Plant

Syria: ISIL oil fields pounded by British bombers

Syria: ISIL oil fields pounded by British bombers

Britain’s Typhoon warplanes and Tornado jets – taking off from a base in Cyprus – have now conducted two rounds of air strikes in Syria against ISIL and its lucrative oil installations. Visiting the fighter pilots conducting the raids, the UK defence minister said on Saturday that the aim was to hit the Islamist militant group’s…

Draft deal reached at Paris climate conference

Draft deal reached at Paris climate conference

French Foreign minister Laurent Fabius is handed a draft climate agreement which politicians at the Paris COP21 conference will now get to work on to produce a final pact on slowing down global warming. The 43 page text marks a major advance over the last failed summit in Copenhagen six years ago but there are still…

Shooting The Best Video I Have Seen

Climate Change, What a Ridiculous Thing

Mike Morell Past CIA Director Tells Obama's Involvment With ISIS

Tyranny: Obama Announcing Gun Control Executive Order

It is happening. Barack Obama is dangerously close to enacting an executive order that completely flouts the law and puts a whole new background check requirement on law abiding Americans.
Last week, the Democrats again tried to force a vote on a gun registration bill. Because world history has shown that registration precedes confiscation 100% of the time in Western Democracies, the Republicans voted it down. It happened in Australia, in the United Kingdom, and confiscation is currently being debated in the European Union. The Republicans have always said that a gun registration bill is automatically off the table.
Now, Obama is angry. So angry, in fact, that he is just days away from announcing the most sweeping executive order yet.
The Los Angeles Times – hardly a Conservative paper – is reporting that the San Bernardino terror attack will be the launching point for Barack Obama’s latest gun control executive order to force all gun purchases and transfers to be recorded with the Federal government.
Not only would this be in clear violation of the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994, which outlines our background check system, but it would also be a clear violation of the Firearm Owner Protection Act of 1986 which explicitly prohibits the Federal government from keeping an active registry of American gun owners.
The executive order that the White House is poised to announce is not only illegal, but it is completely unconstitutional. When the Founding Fathers warned of tyranny, this is what they were talking about. When they said that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, this is what they warned you to watch out for!
So what are we going to do about it? We are going to raise hell. We are going to put more resources into stopping this horrible executive order than we ever have.
Our fax system is unlike anything out there in the country. It allows you to instantly contact your Congressman and Senators in a tangible way. Emails get deleted. Phone calls get ignored. But every fax, by law, has to be printed out in Congressional offices. It’s impossible to ignore us when the faxes are piled up to the ceiling!
But we need your help!
The hour is upon us. Right now, the Obama administration is crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s on an executive order to start the process towards nation-wide gun confiscation!
This is happening now. We don’t get to choose our battles. As the Constitution’s last line of defense, we have a civic obligation to fight any and every manifestation of government tyranny.

Friday, December 4, 2015

World Warning 2, The Coming Chaos, The Collapse

Radiation from Japan's 2011 nuclear disaster has spread

Radiation from Japan's 2011 nuclear disaster has spread off North American shores and contamination is increasing at previously identified sites, although levels are still too low to threaten human or ocean life, scientists said on Thursday.
Tests of hundreds of samples of Pacific Ocean water confirmed that Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant continues to leak radioactive isotopes more than four years after its meltdown, said Ken Buesseler, marine radiochemist with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Trace amounts of cesium-134 have been detected within several hundred miles (km) of the Oregon, Washington and California coasts in recent months, as well as offshore from Canada's Vancouver Island.
Another isotope, cesium-137, a radioactive legacy of nuclear weapons tests conducted from the 1950s through the 1970s, was found at low levels in nearly every seawater sample tested by Woods Hole, a nonprofit research institution.
"Despite the fact that the levels of contamination off our shores remain well below government-established safety limits for human health or to marine life, the changing values underscore the need to more closely monitor contamination levels across the Pacific," Buesseler said in an email.
In March 2011, a massive earthquake triggered a tsunami that struck the Fukushima nuclear plant, 130 miles (209 km) northeast of Tokyo, causing triple nuclear meltdowns and forcing more than 160,000 residents to flee from nearby towns. It was the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
Last year, Woods Hole reported detectable radiation from about 100 miles (160 km) off the coast of northern California, and in April radiation was found off Canada's shores.
The latest readings measured the highest radiation levels outside Japanese waters to date some 1,600 miles (2,574 km) west of San Francisco.
The figures also confirm that the spread of radiation to North American waters is not isolated to a handful of locations, but can be detected along a stretch of more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) offshore.

Blatant Propaganda from The White House For Dummies

So Smug, Obama's Attittude All Over The White House Administration 

Just 60 Seconds After Shooting, San Bernardino Truthers Wave The #FalseFlag

Before anyone knew the death toll, motive or identity of the shooters, many wise Americans were certain that the San Bernardino shooting was orchestrated by the Obama Administration.
News of a shooting in San Bernardino broke at 11:26 PST. Vocativ discovered that literally one minute later, at 11:27 PST, the first Truther posted a #FalseFlag tweet. For the uninitiated “sheep” out there, “false flag” is a conspiracy-theorist term used to describe a covert government attack against its own citizens.
In the first six hours following the massacre, 663 people tweeted about a false-flag attack in San Bernardino. Truthers helpfully provided evidence of Big Brother’s lies and deception: a SWAT training session nearby the Inland Regional Center where the shooting took place, the emotional impact of an attack on a developmental disability center, a man wearing a “Masonic hat” and the government-esque black SUV driven by the alleged shooters.
Many of the tweets were aimed at paleo-conservative radio host Alex Jones.
Hey Alex Jones yet another #FalseFlag event in #SanBernardino CA Obama will stop at nothing trying to get our guns.