Friday, January 29, 2016

• Previously Undisclosed Internal Memos Spell Out Criminal Case against Hillary Clinton Over 1990s Whitewater/ Castle Grande Land Transaction Scandal

  • Previously Undisclosed Internal Memos Spell Out Criminal Case against Hillary Clinton Over 1990s Whitewater/ Castle Grande Land Transaction Scandal

Previously Undisclosed Internal Memos Spell Out Criminal Case against Hillary Clinton Over 1990s Whitewater/ Castle Grande Land Transaction Scandal

We have a special Weekly Update for you today that you will want to keep in your files and share far and wide. Just yesterday, we released 246 pages of previously undisclosed Office of Independent Counsel (OIC) internal memos revealing extensive details about the investigation of Hillary Rodham Clinton for possible criminal charges involving her activities in the Whitewater/Castle Grande fraudulent land transaction scandal. (Links to the full set of documents are below.)

The memos are "statements of the case" against Hillary Clinton and Webster Lee "Webb" Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's former law partner and former Associate Attorney General in the Clinton Justice Department. Ultimately, the memos show that prosecutors declined to prosecute Clinton because of the difficulty of persuading a jury to convict a public figure as widely known as Clinton. But it wasn't a lack of evidence of criminality that led to the decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton.

Although some details of the documents were previously reported, Judicial Watch's disclosure was the first public release of the independent counsel's prosecution memos. The prosecution memos-portions of which are heavily redacted-were obtained from the National Archives and Records Administration through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

An April 10, 1998, memo summarizes "the crimes under consideration"

What, then are the crimes under consideration? Between January 1994 and February 1996 both Hillary Clinton and [Webster] Hubbell made numerous sworn statements to the RTC, the FDIC, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and to the OIC. Each of these reflected and embodied materially inaccurate stories relating to: how RLF [Clinton and Hubbell's Rose Law Firm] came to be retained by MGSL [the Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan]; Hillary Clinton's role in the IDC/Castle Grande venture; Hillary Clinton's role in representing MGSL; Hillary Clinton's role in representing MGSL before state agencies; Hubbell's representations to the RTC [Resolution Trust Corporation] and FDIC regarding Hillary Clinton's role in the IDC/Castle Grande venture; and the removal of records from the RLF. The question, generally, is not whether the statements are inaccurate, but whether they are willfully so.

The records released yesterday by JW were prepared for an "All OIC Attorneys" meeting on April 27, 1998, at which a final decision about whether to indict Clinton and Hubbell was the subject of a lengthy debate. The records explore in detail the role Clinton played in the fraudulent Castle Grande transaction, the role of Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, and the subsequent lengthy cover-up as the Clintons sought and won the White House.

Clinton, according to prosecutors, drafted an option agreement that concealed from federal bank examiners a fraudulent $300,000 cross-loan in the Castle Grande transaction. Her concealment of her role in this fraudulent transaction, including the hiding of her Rose Law Firm billing records concerning her legal work for Madison, was the subject of an OIC obstruction of justice probe.

The 1998 memoranda include substantial evidence depicting Clinton and her former Rose Law Firm partners-Hubbell and Vincent Foster, both of whom went on to senior positions in the Bill Clinton presidency-as complicit in activities that "facilitated crimes."

Page 18 of the OIC documents notes that Clinton "destroyed" her personal records of her work for Madison Guaranty. Page 39 of the documents notes:

Section II contains a chronological background and contextual summary of the investigation so that the facts relating to possible obstruction can be placed in the context of the ongoing investigation by OIC.

The evidence in the new documents covers:

Castle Grande. "The Castle Grande transactions were crimes." The statement is followed by an explicit six-paragraph dissection of the land-flipping scheme.

Madison Guaranty S&L. Clinton minimized the role she played in seeking state regulatory assistance for the corrupt savings and loan, headed by key Clinton financial and political supporter James McDougal. At the time, Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

Vincent Foster and the Missing Rose Law Firm Billing Records. The Rose records were a key piece of evidence in the probe. They were missing for years. After Foster's July 1993 suicide, the OIC documents note, where the billing records went "is an open question.... Several pieces of evidence support the inference that personal documents which Hillary Clinton did not want disclosed were located in Foster's office at the time of his death and then removed."

Removal of Records from Vincent Foster's Office. "[O]n the afternoon of July 21st Bernard Nussbaum, then White House Counsel, initially agreed to allow two career DOJ employees to review the documents in Foster's office for evidence that might shed light on the cause of his death. That evening and the next morning Nussbaum, Hillary Clinton, Susan Thomases, and Maggie Williams (Hillary Clinton's chief of staff) exchanged 10 separate phones calls ... That morning, according to the DOJ employees, Nussbaum changed his mind and refused to allow the DOJ prosecutors to review the documents; instead, he reviewed them himself and segregated several as 'personal' to the Clintons."

Hiding the Billing Records. "On the evening of July 22nd, Thomas Castleton ... assisted Williams [Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton chief of staff] in carrying a box of personal documents up to ... a closet in Hillary Clinton's office. The closet is approximately 30 feet from the table in the Book Room, where the billing records were found 2 years later.... There is a circumstantial case that the records were left on the table by Hillary Clinton. She is the only individual in the White House who had a significant interest in them and she is one of only 3 people known to have had them in her possession since their creation in February 1992."

Buying the Silence of a Co-Conspirator? Hubbell, criticized by the OIC for his lack of cooperation with the probe, received several "jobs" from Clinton supporters for which he apparently did little or no work. During a taped conversation in prison, Hubbell appears to acknowledge that he withheld information from the OIC. Several of Hubbell's job-providers fell most strongly within the hush money allegation. The OIC notes eight of them on page 197.

The Missing Draft Indictment. More than 60 pages of the OIC memoranda are completely censored, withheld by the National Archives. Multiple sources tell Judicial Watch that these pages include a full draft indictment of Clinton and Hubbell, as well as a detailed "order of Evidence" list.

Despite this document dump, the National Archives is withholding additional documents Judicial Watch believes to be critical to understanding Clinton's full role in the Whitewater scandal.

On March 9, 2015, Judicial Watch submitted a FOIA request seeking all draft indictments of Clinton in the files of Hickman Ewing Jr., who served as deputy independent counsel in the Whitewater probe. In 1999, Ewing testified that he wrote a draft indictment of Clinton.

On March 19, 2015, the National Archives admitted locating records responsive to the Ewing material request, confirming that it found 38 pages of responsive records in a folder entitled "Draft Indictment," and approximately 200 pages of responsive records in a folder entitled "Hilary Rodham Clinton/Webster L. Hubbell Draft Indictment." We are now in federal court to force the release of the draft indictment, which is being withheld by the National Archives to protect the privacy of Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a public figure running for president of the United States. Why would her alleged privacy outweigh the public interest in a draft indictment of her by federal prosecutors!

Ultimately, as an April 24, 1998, memo suggests, prosecutors were persuaded that a jury would not convict Clinton based upon circumstantial evidence. OIC attorney Paul Rosenzweig wrote:

In a high profile case of this sort, however, I think that some jurors are likely to put OIC to the full measure of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and, in effect, insist that circumstantial evidence is an inferior form of evidence on which they cannot convict. Such a distinction would be "lawless" in a formal sense, as contrary to their jury instructions - but we blink reality if we do not expect this reaction to a primarily circumstantial high profile case.

The prosecutor concluded:

Bottom line: We can anticipate the following: 2% = Rule 29; 18% = Acquittal; 70%=Hung Jury; 10% = Conviction. Not enough in my view.

These new Hillary Clinton prosecution memos are damning and dramatic. Hillary Clinton's bank fraud, obstruction, lies, and other fraud began in Arkansas, continued in the White House and actually accelerated because the suicide of her friend Vincent Foster.

The memos suggest that if she weren't First Lady, she would have been successfully prosecuted in federal court. As we continue the court fight to get the actual draft indictment of Hillary Clinton we first uncovered in this investigation, Americans would do well to read these memos.

If you want to understand the deplorable ethics and corruption at Hillary Clinton's State Department, these documents provide important background.

We have more on this topic coming soon, so be sure to check in. In the meantime, you have a weekend's worth of educational reading, as good as any potboiler, about the corruption of Hillary Clinton (and her co-conspirator, Bill).

Links to the complete set of documents are available here:

Part one of "HRC Meeting" NARA Whitewater OIC document

Part two of "HRC Meeting" NARA Whitewater OIC document

Part three of "HRC Meeting" NARA Whitewater OIC document

Part four of "HRC Meeting" NARA Whitewater OIC document

Part five of "HRC Meeting" NARA Whitewater OIC document

Part six of "HRC Meeting" NARA Whitewater OIC document

NYPD Prioritizes Sensitivity toward Muslims over Public Safety
Advocates for terrorists control the debate, and too often, the policies of how to counter the threat from Islamic terrorism. These special interest groups, ranging from the ACLU to terrorist fronts such as Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), have law enforcement on a leash. Our Corruption Chronicles blog reported the latest assault on our security in which the New York City Police Department was targeted by the Left because of an effective anti-terrorist program focused upon radical Muslims:

The New York Police Department (NYPD) is the latest of several law enforcement agencies-including the FBI-to succumb to the pressure of Islamic groups demanding changes in anti-terrorism investigations and training they claim discriminate against Muslims.

As part of a court settlement announced this month the NYPD will purge a highly acclaimed report (Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat) that's proven to be a critical tool in terrorism investigations. The NYPD will also limit the use of undercover officers and informants in Muslim communities and create a policy that bans religious discrimination. The department will "provide additional guidance to police officers at part of a settlement of lawsuits accusing the NYPD of improperly investigating Muslim groups," according to a statement issued by the law enforcement agency. The change comes on the heels of an increase in terrorism attacks by radicals associated with groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The settlement stems from a 2013 lawsuit filed by three New York Muslims, two mosques and a Muslim nonprofit accusing the NYPD of "discriminatory surveillance" after 9/11. Muslim communities and their institutions were singled out and officers and informants were deployed to mosques to surveil innocent religious leaders and followers, the lawsuit alleges. The department also employed invasive tactics to spy on area Muslims, according to the complaint. The now-censored report "stigmatizes an entire faith community and invites discrimination," the Muslim plaintiffs claim in their suit. The 90-page NYPD report says that most Islamic terrorists in the West start as "unremarkable people" who become religious and radical in a four-stage process.

"Many of the terrorist attacks or thwarted plots against cities in Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States have been conceptualized and planned by local residents/citizens who sought to attack their country of residence," the 2007 NYPD report says. "The majority of these individuals began as "unremarkable" - they had "unremarkable" jobs, had lived "unremarkable" lives and had little, if any criminal history." After the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, a New York newspaper published a story documenting how the brothers who carried out the attack fit the profile of homegrown terrorists outlined in the NYPD's "prescient but controversial" document.

The now-banned report was created to provide law enforcement agencies and legislators with information related to the operations of domestic terrorists after the 9/11 attacks. It was put together by the NYPD Intelligence Division under former police Commissioner Ray Kelly. The city's agreement to delete it from the NYPD's website is a "blatant act of cowardliness," according to Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector general of the New York State prisons' criminal intelligence division. Dunleavy worked with the NYPD's intelligence division for several years and assures there was no bias in the department's anti-terrorism work. "Seeing the NYPD and city officials caving in to the demands of a few is most disheartening," Dunleavy writes in a recently published piece.

This appears to be a frightening trend that Judicial Watch has reported on extensively in the last few years. Muslim rights groups, especially the terrorist front organization CAIR, have proven they wield tremendous power in the Obama administration. This is especially true when it comes to the way the nation's law enforcement agencies conduct anti-terrorism training. In fact, it was CAIR that got the FBI to purge anti-terrorism material determined to be offensive to Muslims. Judicial Watch uncovered that scandal a few years ago and obtained hundreds of pages of FBI documents with details of the arrangement. JW also published a special in-depth report in 2015.

CAIR and its allies also got several police departments in President Obama's home state of Illinois to cancel essential counterterrorism courses over accusations that the instructor was anti-Muslim. The course was called "Islamic Awareness as a Counter-Terrorist Strategy" and departments in Lombard, Elmhurst and Highland Park caved into CAIR's demands. Just a few months ago Islamic activists got the FBI to suspend a new internet program aimed at preventing the radicalization of youth because Muslim and Arab rights groups determined that it discriminates against Muslims and will lead to bullying, bias and religious profiling of students.

This is one of those stories that makes one ask: Is there anything our own public officials are doing now that paid foreign agents hostile to the U.S. would do differently?

Until next week...

Tom Fitton

Fox News boss Roger Ailes has been demoted in Murdoch shakeup — and he's not happy about it

Roger Ailes, the longtime boss of Fox News who has built it into a hugely profitable channel, has been dealt a massive blow by the bosses at 21st Century Fox.
There has been lots of change at the top at 21st Century Fox: Rupert Murdoch recently announced plans to step down as CEO, handing the company over to his son James. Rupert's other son, Lachlan, will join his dad as executive cochairman. And Chase Carey, the company's deputy chairman, president, and COO, will become executive cochairman.
In an emailed news release sent out Tuesday confirming its executive changes, Fox makes no mention of Ailes.
As news emerged last week that Rupert Murdoch was stepping down as CEO, New York Magazine's Daily Intelligencer blog reported that Ailes released "what now appears to be a rogue statement" to the Fox Business Channel, saying he would continue to run the news network, reporting directly to Rupert Murdoch.
Ailes even went as far as directing Fox Business executive Bill Shine to tell Fox Business Channel anchor Stuart Varney to read the announcement on air, reiterating that Ailes would continue to report to Rupert Murdoch, New York Magazine reports.
But a 21st Century Fox representative told The Hollywood Reporter, "Roger will report to Lachlan and James."
That's a huge slap in the face for 75-year-old Ailes, who has long counted Rupert Murdoch as a close ally. Ailes built Fox News from scratch into a huge cash cow. The Hollywood Reporter said in a recent profile of Ailes that the channel was valued by Wall Street analysts at $15 billion and contributed to 18% of 21st Century Fox's profits in 2014.
Despite his huge contribution to the company, Ailes does not get along with the Murdoch brothers, sources have previously told Business Insider.
478016231Jason Kempin/Getty ImagesLachlan, Rupert, and James Murdoch (left to right) at The Television Academy's 23rd Hall Of Fame Induction Gala in March 2014.
Their feuds have been epic. New York Magazine describes a few of their tussles:
Ailes' tangles with Lachlan were legion. Not long after 9/11, Rupert gave Ailes a new contract after Ailes threatened to resign following a heated argument with Lachlan in the Fox newsroom. Four years later, Lachlan quit his job as deputy COO in charge of the Fox broadcast group after Rupert supported Ailes in a dispute over a TV show that Ailes wanted and Lachlan didn't. In 2014, Rupert did nothing publicly after I reported in my Ailes biography that Ailes once bragged to a Fox News executive about moving into Lachlan's vacant office, thereby putting himself closer to Rupert than Lachlan. "Do you know whose chair I’m sitting in? I'm sitting in Lachlan Murdoch's chair," Ailes boasted to his colleague. "Do you know who's sitting on the other side of that wall? Rupert Murdoch."
Judging by Ailes' history with the Murdoch brothers, and his apparent confusion around whom he will be reporting to, it's unlikely Ailes will be happy with the arrangements at the top of the company. His contract is up in 2016 anyway, and Ailes told The Hollywood Reporter back in April that nobody had been in touch to talk about a renewal.
One of Ailes' other close allies at the company is Carey, who had been deputy chairman, president, and COO since 2009. The news release from 21st Century Fox says Carey will serve in his new role through June 30, 2016. He has been tipped to leave once that date rolls around.


Donald Trump Overshadows Fox Debate

Even in boycotting a debate with his Republican rivals, front-runner Donald Trump managed to upstage the event on Thursday with a typical dramatic flourish.
Instead of attending a seventh debate, the former reality TV star held a competing event across town that he said raised $6 million for U.S. military veterans. In doing so, he cast a shadow over his rivals, who frequently tossed barbs his way.
Trump's gamble that he could leave the battlefield to his rivals for one night appeared to pay off, with just days to go before Iowa holds the first nominating contest of the 2016 election season. No one appeared to emerge as a central challenger to him during the two-hour face-off in Des Moines.
Trump's refusal to participate in the debate out of anger that Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was a moderator prompted a flurry of last-minute phone calls with Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes that failed to resolve their dispute.
A Fox News (FOXA.O) statement said Trump requested that Fox contribute $5 million to his charities in exchange for his attendance, which the network turned down.
The debate was the type of event Republicans would routinely have without the flamboyant Trump on stage, and it lacked the electricity that he brings to the party's search for a nominee for the Nov. 8 election.
Without Trump on stage, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie found themselves with more room to make their case to voters seeking a more mainstream candidate.
Both men have an eye on the Feb. 9 first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire, which comes on the heels of the Iowa caucuses on Monday and where an establishment Republican like them might have a better chance of standing out.
Senator Ted Cruz from Texas and Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, the two top challengers to Trump in Iowa, engaged in squabbles over immigration and national security and did not appear to threaten Trump's lead. He holds the edge over Cruz in polls of Iowa Republicans.
Trump's rivals mocked his decision to sit out the debate and found ways to criticize him.
"I’m a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly, and Ben, you're a terrible surgeon," Cruz told his rivals, including Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, as the debate opened. His next sentence began: "Now that we’ve gotten the Donald Trump portion out of the way."
Bush, who has been a frequent target of Trump's attacks, turned a question about religious tolerance into an attack on Trump's proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.
"Donald Trump, for example — I mentioned his name again if anybody was missing him — Mr. Trump believed in reaction to people’s fears that we should ban all Muslims. Well, that creates an environment that’s toxic in our own country," Bush said.
Cruz, after a series of questions, said: "If you ask me one more mean question, I may have to leave the stage."
In a swipe at both Trump and Cruz, Rubio chimed in: "Don't worry, I'm not going to leave the stage no matter what you ask me."
With his veterans' event drawing live TV news coverage on Fox News competitors CNN and MSNBC, Trump absorbed plenty of media attention.
He clung to his insistence that Fox News had treated him badly. He has complained that Kelly insulted him at a debate in August and that a statement from the network earlier this week had belittled him.
Two other Republican candidates, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, joined Trump on stage after participating in a debate of low-polling candidates.
Not so former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore.
"I’m not about to go across town tonight to carry the coat for some billionaire," he said at the "undercard" debate.
There was some mystery as to which veterans' groups would receive the money raised at the event, which included $1 million from Trump himself. His campaign did not say which group was getting the funds.
Trump, with just one day's notice on a weeknight, was able to fill to capacity a hall at Drake University that holds 700.
"I didn’t want to be here, to be honest, I wanted to be about five minutes away" at the debate, Trump told the crowd. "When you’re treated badly, you have to stick up for your rights - whether we like it or not."
Trump dominated social media during the debate, leading the entire Republican pack in Twitter mentions throughout the first half of the debate, according to data from social media analytics firm Zoomph.
Trump was by far the most-searched-for candidate on Google during the first half of the debate, at one point outpacing the second-most-searched-for candidate, Rubio, by nearly four-to-one, according to Google Trends data.
Trump's support in opinion polls, much of it from blue-collar men, has not wavered for months despite him insulting Mexican immigrants and Muslims and clashing with Republican establishment figures like Senator John McCain.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Donald Trump and the Veterans. God Bless America

Donald Trump and the Veterans -God Bless America. Great Support for us!

Hillary Desperately wants another debate. Hillary and Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman screwed themselves by hiding..

Hillary Desperately want another debate. Hillary and Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman screw themselves by hiding behind football games, obscure time and days. It looks like their strategy was a big failure now that Sander's is choking off Hillary.
Hillary Clinton is calling for Democrats to sanction another presidential debate next week before the New Hampshire primary.
The New Hampshire Union Leader and MSNBC announced Tuesday they would host a debate next week, but the Democratic National Committee said the party would not sanction it. Democrats are prohibited by the DNC from taking part in unsanctioned events.
Clinton called on the DNC to reverse course to allow everyone to participate.
"What I’ve said to my campaign is that I would look forward to another debate. I am, you know, anxious, if we can get something set up, to be able to be there. And so let’s try to make it happen," the front-runner for the party nod said during an excerpt of an interview on MSNBC's "Hardball" that will air Wednesday night.
"I would like the chairman of the party and the campaigns to agree that we can debate in New Hampshire next week. That is what I'm hoping will happen."
Martin O'Malley, polling a distant third behind both Clinton and Bernie Sanders, is the only candidate who has confirmed his participation in next week's event.

Sanders's campaign told the Union Leader that while it supports additional debates, it would not want a Sanders appearance in the unsanctioned debate to shut him out of future debates. 

Clinton leveled a brief barb at Sanders's stance during the interview, calling on the Vermont senator to "change his mind and join us," attempting to cast him as an opponent of the MSNBC debate.

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has faced repeated criticism over the party's debate schedule, which includes fewer debates than the GOP schedule as well as events during time frames that typically draw fewer viewers, such as weekends.

She's pushed back on those attacks by asserting that this cycle's debates have set party records for viewership and provides a balance between giving candidates national airtime with debates and them ample time to hit the trail.

Contributors: Vaiea, The Hill

Edward Snowden Speaks Out on Hillary Clinton, Russia, Our Government Corruption, Etc.

Edward Snowden Speaks Out on Hillary Clinton, Russia, Our Government Corruption, Etc.

O'Reilly Unsuccessful at Brow Beating Trump to Reenter Debates

O'Reilly Unsuccessful at Brow Beating Trump to Reenter Debates

During his interview with Donald Trump on Tuesday night, Bill O'Reilly tried nearly every trick in the book to get the front-runner to reconsider his debate boycott, from noting that Christians are taught to forgive to calling in vanilla milkshake-related favors. After their 16-minute discussion the answer was still no, but O'Reilly probably didn't expect to win Trump over. Going through with the previously scheduled interview was a win for both men, even if O'Reilly was ribbed on Twitter for acting as the journalistic equivalent of Lloyd Dobler standing on the lawn with a boom box over his head. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mr. Trump knows a bad deal when he sees one.

New York, NY) January 26th, 2016 - As someone who wrote one of the best-selling business books of all time, The Art of the Deal, who has built an incredible company, including some of the most valuable and iconic assets in the world, and as someone who has a personal net worth of many billions of dollars, Mr. Trump knows a bad deal when he sees one. FOX News is making tens of millions of dollars on debates, and setting ratings records (the highest in history), where as in previous years they were low-rated afterthoughts.
Unlike the very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground, Mr. Trump knows when to walk away. Roger Ailes and FOX News think they can toy with him, but Mr. Trump doesn’t play games. There have already been six debates, and according to all online debate polls including Drudge, Slate, Time Magazine, and many others, Mr. Trump has won all of them, in particular the last one. Whereas he has always been a job creator and not a debater, he nevertheless truly enjoys the debating process - and it has been very good for him, both in polls and popularity.
He will not be participating in the FOX News debate and will instead host an event in Iowa to raise money for the Veterans and Wounded Warriors, who have been treated so horribly by our all talk, no action politicians. Like running for office as an extremely successful person, this takes guts and it is the kind mentality our country needs in order to Make America Great Again.

Trump "Fox Screwed With Me, Now Let's See" (clip) plus video 2 with full interview,,

Trump "Fox Screwed With Me, Now Let's See" The Red Pill Global. Give money to the wounded Worriers. Kelly is a light weight. Let's see how much money fox makes with out me! You can't play games with me!

Full Donald Trump Interview

Now we learn that Mr. Obama not only has hidden the terms of his agreement, but

 Now we learn that Mr. Obama not only has hidden the terms of his agreement, but has also deferred the national interest to the United Nation's IAEA, and permitted secret side deals between the agency and Iran.

(TRPG) Daily Newsletter:

What We Learned at the Democratic Town Hall

Democrats faced off for the final time before the Iowa caucuses Monday night in a town hall hosted by CNN. The format featured each candidate facing questions separately for more than 30 minutes, but nevertheless provided ample contrast for voters. Bernie Sanders was first up, continuing his assault on Hillary Clinton‘s ties to Wall Street, while defending his own socialism. Martin O’Malley made his now-routine pitch for a new generation of leadership. And Clinton argued her pragmatic streak makes her best equipped to be president. With just days until the caucuses, the Democratic contest remains neck-and-neck in Iowa, with Sanders and Clinton swapping the lead in recent polling. But the outcome will depend both on turnout—can Sanders expand the electorate?—and on the distribution of their support around the state.
Ted Cruz is doubling down on the “New York values” critique of Trump in a new ad airing in Iowa, as he seeks to preserve his lead in a state where he allowed expectations to rise too high. With Donald Trump rebounding amid simultaneous attacks from his right and left flanks, Cruz is looking for a clear-cut victory in order to begin the process of narrowing the GOP field. Trump, meanwhile, is threatening to sit out Thursday’s GOP debate over Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly’s participation. Trump went on an extended personal tirade against the anchor after the August debate, believing her questions were unfair.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan worries about the tone and tenor of the GOP primary sinking the party going into the fall, but there is little he and other Republican leaders can do, other than to call for candidates to drop out. But most candidates still see a narrow path to the nomination and will be hard-pressed to get out while they still see a chance, potentially keeping the party establishment from rallying around a non-Trump or Cruz candidate.
John Kasich warns of Trump witch-hunts. Hillary Clinton wants to talk about love and kindness. And Sanders fights off flip-flopping charges.


Hillary Clinton: 'Serial Liar' - Lying Compilation

Monday, January 25, 2016

Big Trump Endorsement and Trump's very Presidential Speech

Big Trump Endorsement and Trump's very Presidential Speech

Winner Announced! “Make Fun Of Hillary” Contest

Winner Announced! “Make Fun Of Hillary” Contest

"When I call, they kiss my ass.” Trump knows the ropes and we think it's a good thing

Trump knows the ropes and we think it's a good thing.
  But that's not The National Review's intention of the article!
When I call, they kiss my ass.”

I’m not sure what is worse: Donald Trump bragging about paying off politicians, or the cheering by Republican-debate audiences when Donald Trump brags about paying off politicians. See, when I worked for the Justice Department, we didn’t just indict the slimy pols — from both parties — on the receiving end. We also indicted the deep-pocketed cronies who greased their palms, expecting top-shelf service in return.
Even if you’re not the queasy type, how nauseating to watch a crowd of people, many of whom would tell you they’re strong law-and-order conservatives, giddily applauding as a guy confesses that he’s the corrupter who makes the corruption work.
“I was a businessman,” Trump smarmed at a debate earlier this year. He was being pressed about the piles of dough he has deposited in Democratic coffers through the years — for his pals the Clintons (including the Clinton Ca-ching Foundation), Schumer, Reid, Pelosi, Cuomo, Rahm, and the rest of the gang.
“I give to everybody. When they call, I give.” Yup, although more to the progressives, to implement the very policies he now complains are destroying the country.
And why? Trump’s allocution continued:
“You know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them, and they are there for me. . . . And that’s a broken system.”
Well, yeah, when you spend years breaking something, it tends to get broken.

Rival Rand Paul needled, “You’ve donated to several Democratic candidates. You explained away those donations saying you did that to get business-related affairs. And you said recently, quote, ‘When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.’”
This is the point where the guy suspected of bribery, if he can afford a lawyer (or a million lawyers!), takes the Fifth . . . or at least whines, “You’re taking my words out of context!”
Not The Donald. He grins and squeals, “You better believe it.”
And the crowd eats it up. Just as they did in Iowa recently when he brayed, “I’ve got to give to them, because when I want something, I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass.

Benghazi-We know four who could not

Benghazi-We know four who could not!

The 2012 Benghazi attack took place on the evening of September 11, 2012, when Islamic militants attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer . Sean SmithStevens was the first U.S. Ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979. The attack has also been referred to as the Battle of Benghazi.
Several hours later, a second assault targeted a different compound about one mile away, killing CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty.Ten others were also injured in the attacks

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey angrily scolded Senator Marco Rubio of Florida on Sunday for his sarcastic remark about the blizzard t

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey angrily scolded Senator Marco Rubio of Florida on Sunday for his sarcastic remark about the blizzard that crippled much of the Northeast this weekend, calling the comment a sign of his “immaturity” and inexperience.
Mr. Rubio, campaigning in New Hampshire on Friday, joked that the storm is “probably one of the best things to happen to the republic in quite a while” because it temporarily prevented the federal government from issuing new regulations and President Obama from signing executive orders.
The remark left Mr. Christie furious on Sunday as he confronted dangerous coastal flooding across his home state of New Jersey.
“That’s a difference,” Mr. Christie said on CNN, “between a United States senator who has never been responsible for anything and a governor who is responsible for everything that goes on in your state.”
He added: “Fourteen people died across the country. And that shows a real immaturity from Senator Rubio to be joking as families were freezing in the cold, losing power, and some of them losing their loved ones.”
Mr. Rubio’s campaign responded forcefully. It mocked Mr. Christie for planning to remain on the campaign trail even as the snowstorm approached his state.
“Chris Christie wasn’t even going to return to New Jersey until he was shamed into it,” said Alex Conant, a spokesman for Mr. Rubio. “Christie should worry less about Marco’s jokes and more about his own liberal record on gun control, judges and abortion.”
Mr. Christie has repeatedly sought to highlight what he says is Mr. Rubio’s lack of executive experience, mocking him for serving in a legislative body that Mr. Christie argues rarely, if ever, has to make a life-or-death decision.
On Sunday, he found a new reason to make that argument. Mr. Rubio, he said, “never had to make a decision of any consequence at all that he’s had to be held accountable for.”


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Jan 24, 2016 Democratic presidential debate tonight

The latest Rasmussen Reports monthly Hillary Meter finds that 83% of Likely Democratic Voters think Clinton is likely to be their party’s presidential nominee in 2016. That now includes 43% who say it is Very Likely, down from 56% in December and 58% in November. Still, just 14% feel the former secretary of State and first lady is not very or Not At All Likely to win the nomination. This is why the State Department doesn't want to release the rest of Clinton's last batch of emails "The Caucuses"

State Department tries to delay Clinton email release, until after Caucasus

What a "Sham" another conspiracy to delay Hillary email release until after the Iowa and New Hampshire Caucasus State tries to delay Clinton email release, blaming snowstorm.
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Contributors: The Hill

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Only six people show up to see off Hillary Clinton in Texas and she blows them off

The entire system has been revealed for the sham it really is since the start of the New Year. entire system has been revealed for the sham it really is since the start of the New Year. Stock markets are crashing, the global economy has stalled, and the powers that be appear to have lost control.
As Andy Hoffman of Miles Franklin notes in his most recent interview with Future Money Trends, the only thing they are able to manipulate now are a few markets that include the Dow Jones and the gold and silver trade.
    2011 is when the, let’s call them, The Powers That Be realized they were losing… they were three years into their post-2008 money printing frenzy and they were failing… Europe was failing… The U.S. had been stripped of its triple-A credit rating… all the markets were falling apart… and they were worried about Greece and all this…
    They have lost control of everything… there is nothing that the Powers That Be haven’t lost control of… except the Dow Jones propaganda average and related major stock averages… and paper gold and silver.

    Money printing is going off the charts… these things are really starting to get out of their control… the inventories are vanishing everywhere… and then of course you have stock markets around the world are falling… and now the stock market itself here in the United States has been falling…
    When you talk about commodities and currencies and everything else… we’re talking about the worst economy of our lifetimes… of our parents’ lifetimes… of our grandparents’ lifetimes… and it’s only going to get worse right now.
    People don’t realize that the global economy now is ground to a halt…  last week there was not a single cargo ship on the entire Atlantic Ocean… every currency in the world is at or near its all time low.
    We’re talking about everything is falling apart everywhere.
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Contributor: Shift

Judge Napolitano Exposes The REAL Reason Why Gen. Petraeus Is Getting Demoted

Judge Andrew  Napolitano, an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, appeared on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” on Thursday to slam Defense Secretary Ashton Carter for possibly demoting Gen. David Petraeus retroactively.
The Obama administration claims that the proposed demotion stems from Petraeus’ conviction for mishandling classified information by giving it to his biographer and mistress, Paula Broadwell.
Judge Nap questioned Carter’s reasoning for the possible, saying, “Is this political? Is this to send him a message? ‘Don’t tell everybody what you know about Benghazi because we’ll keep coming after you.'"
Of course we all know Obama's intimation tactics. From the IRS, EPA, Justice Department and anything else this dictator can pull out of his hat. And what does the Rino's do, nothing, zip. Oh they do give him all the money he wants!